Ohio Legislator Liberty Index

About the Ohio Legislator Liberty Index

The above is the output of the tool we use to rank members of the Ohio General Assembly

The score represents a weighted percentage of the member’s votes that advance and restore the principles of liberty. Bills are chosen by the Legislative Committee of the RLCOH and tracked through the legislative process.  

The Sponsor Score to the right is an absolute measure of the work a member has done to introduce bills that advance and restore the principles of liberty.  A member can receive positive or negative points based on whether or not the bill is supported by the RLCOH. Points are categorically weighted similarly to how we weight votes.

We rank members by their vote score and then by their sponsor score. The sponsor score is intended to be a tie breaker when two members have the same vote score. The combination is intended to help the public make informed decisions on where to offer their support. 

Clicking on a member’s name opens a window that shows a breakdown of the member’s votes on bills compared to our positions as well as the legislation they have introduced and/or were initially co-sponsors on. The bills can be read in their entirety by visiting the general assembly’s website at https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/ and searching for the bill by number